Understanding hearing loss

Hearing loss can affect anyone. Fortunately, most forms of hearing loss are treatable.

Think you may have hearing loss? Call us to book an appointment. 

FREECALL 1800 554 968

How well do you hear?

If you feel your hearing is not quite what it used to be then ask yourself these simple questions:

  • Are you unaware when the phone is ringing?

  • Are you constantly turning up the volume on the TV or your iPad?

  • Are you unsure which direction a sound is coming from?

  • Do you struggle to hear in noisy places?

  • Can't you hear the announcement at the train station or birds chirping in the park? 

If you have answered 'yes' to any or all of these questions, take a hearing health check and see how we might improve the quality of your life.

Do you know the signs of hearing loss?

Sounds may seem loud enough, but not clear. Quiet sounds, such as birdsong or people talking in another room are header to hear now than they were before.

These are all signs that you could be suffering from some kind of hearing loss. It could be as simple as earwax build up, or it could be something more significant. 

The best way to find out for sure is to book a free consultation with us.

Unsure how to talk to a loved one about hearing loss?

Book your appointment today

Enter your details below and we will contact you shortly. Alternately, please feel free to call us on 1800 554 968 if you have any questions.

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bloom™ hearing specialists Australia

Suite G.03, Ground Floor,

191-197 Salmon Street,

Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Tel: 1800 554 968